Tussell is the media's go-to source

Whenever the media reports on UK public contracts or spending, Tussell is their go-to source.

From breaking stories on government PPE contracts during the COVID-19 pandemic, to uncovering public spending with Gazprom during the war in Ukraine, our data has become essential to journalists who want to shine a light on government procurement.

If you want to work with Tussell on a story, please contact our Press Officer.

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of Tussell's data in the press since 2018


different outlets

have cited Tussell's data


TV appearances

on BBC News, ITV News, Channel 4 News and Newsnight

Media & Press Enquiries

For press, media and PR related queries, please contact our Press Officer, Henry Thompson.

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Why does the media turn to Tussell?

Tussell aggregates, cleans and enhances all publicly available UK public sector procurement data.

This means Tussell can produce highly reliable and accurate insights into UK public procurement that the media can't get anywhere else.

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Tussell in the news

Here are just a few of our most recent citations in the press:

BBC PPE Story June 2024-min
25th June 24
“Data compiled by data firm Tussell shows only one contract was more costly and it was awarded to a range of suppliers providing mixed services”
- Jon Ironmonger, BBC News
i News Atos Article June 2024
19th June 24
“Since 2016, [Atos] has invoiced the British taxpayer for just over £6bn, according to analysis by Government contracts website Tussell.”
- David Parsley, i News
FT Frameworks Article June 2024
3rd June 24
“More than £35bn of contracts were handed to the private sector in 2023 via “framework agreements”, up from £10bn in 2019, figures from the government procurement data provider Tussell show.”
- Gill Plimmer, Financial Times
11th Mar 24
“Figures provided by Tussell, which analyses government spending, show that the government, NHS and local authorities have paid more than £440m to TPP companies since 2016.”
- Rowena Mason, Matthew Weaver & Henry Dyer, The Guardian
New Statesman citation Feb 2024
23rd Feb 24
“ Using invoice data collected by the public-sector procurement platform Tussell, the analysis shows that in less than a decade, companies linked to Nash have been paid more than 180,000 times by government departments”
- Will Dunn, The New Statesman
LBC citation Feb 2024
12th Feb 24
“Based on open procurement information analysed by data provider Tussell, LBC can reveal that Akshata Murty's company received £7 million in public sector invoices last year up from £4.7 million in 2022.”
- Henry Riley, LBC
FT Lottery Citation Jan 2024-min
24th Jan 24
“The lottery contract is the fourth-biggest procurement contract awarded by the UK Government in the past decade, according to data provider Tussell”
- Oliver Barnes, The FT
Veolia The Times Citation Jan 2024
21st Jan 24
“In the UK alone, [Veolia] has raked in £4.2 billion in public sector work since 2016, according to data from Tussell”
- Jon Yeomans, The Times
7th Oct 23
“[M]ore than £1bn in invoices had already been submitted relating to phase two of HS2, according to Tussell”
- Gwyn Topham, Michael Savage & Jon Ungoes-Thomas, The Guardian

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