Regional Spending Report

Download the free 16-page report and discover Central and Local Government spending habits across the English regions. 


Where is the money going?

Often, we're accustomed to seeing the majority of government spend directed towards suppliers in London and the south.

But where do things stand today? 

Well, when it comes to growth in procurement spending patterns, you may be surprised. 

Analysing over 100 million invoices using our market intelligence platform, this in-depth report uncovers public sector spending across England. 

Trusted by

Top-level spending insights from trusted data 

All insights in this report were drawn from our proprietary database of aggregated, cleansed and structured data on public sector procurement and spending in England.


Annual growth

We analysed which regions (and sectors) have experienced the highest annual growth in public procurement earnings. 


Spend data

We dive into the supplier spending habits of Local Government and Central Government in such a turbulent year. 


Regional stand-outs

Find out which regions have experienced the highest levels of spending growth.


Local vs further afield

Where are Local Governments putting their money? We measure local versus non-local spending.

Gain a wealth of procurement insights

Download our report for a complete rundown of public sector spending in England. 
