Government policy has major impact on supplier payment practices

Download the free report and find out the impact of the government's new procurement policy.


Has the 2019 procurement plan been a success?

In September 2019, the government made big changes to their procurement policy. It meant that suppliers with poor payment practices risked exclusion.

The question is: how effective was this change? And, what does the data say?

We'll pull back the curtain and show you exactly what's been happening in this free guide. Although previously we've avoided naming suppliers, in this document, we'll share everything. 

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Check out what the data says

All insights in this report were drawn from our proprietary database of aggregated, cleansed and structured data on UK public sector procurement and spending.


Business data

We look at 6,841 companies whot published their payment practices data for 2019.


UK spend figures

In 2018 and 2019 the UK government spent roughly £18.5bn with firms which report payment practices.


Poor performers

Find out more about the £1.1bn spent with poor payment performers.


What's changed

Find out how compliance amongst firms earning more than £100 million altered.

Discover the impact of the government's 2019 procurement policy

Download to find out which suppliers are still able to big on public sector contracts, despite having poor payment practices.

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